

  • Gottlob Frege  Schriften zur Logik und Sprachphilosophie: Aus dem Nachlaß, Herausgegeben von Gottfried Gabriel, Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, Philosophische Bibliothek Bd. 277, 1990.
  • ditto   Gottlob Freges Briefwechsel mit D. Hilbert, E. Husserl, B. Russell, sowie ausgewählte Einzelbriefe Freges, Mit Einleitungen, Anmerkungen und Register herausgegeben von Gottfried Gabriel, Friedrich Kambartel und Christian Thiel, Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, Philosophische Bibliothek Bd. 321, 1980.
  • Michael Beaney  Frege: making sense, London, Duckworth, 1996.
  • 東信行、諏訪部仁訳編  『研究社 −ロングマン イディオム英和辞典 The Kenkyusha-Longman Dictinary Of English Idioms』、研究社、1989年。
  • Steven T. Kuhn  “Logical Expressions, Constants, and Operator Logic”, in: Journal of Philosophy, vol. 78, no. 9, September, 1981.


  • Dagfinn Føllesdal  Referential Opacity and Modal Logic, New York/London, Routledge, Studies in Philosophy, 2004.

Description and contents

This landmark dissertation (1961) provides a systematic introduction to systems of modal logic and stands as the first presentation of what have become central ideas in philosophy of language and metaphysics, from the ‘new theory of reference’ and non-linguistic necessity and essentialism to ‘Kripke semantics’.
Chapter I. Referential and Extensional Opacity
ChapterII. The Logical Modalities
Chapter III. Identity of Individuals
Chapter IV. Distinctness of Individuals
Chapter V. Singular Terms and Singular Inference
Chapter VI. Examination of the Difficulties
Chapter VII. Other Types of Opaque Contexts
Appendix I. Postulate Sets for the Systems of Truth-Functional Modal Logic Mentioned in the Thesis
Appendix II. The System of Church

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    • Fregeのlogicを理解する
    • Quineの様相論理批判に対して理解を深める
    • PolandのLwow-Warszawa学派について調べる
