入手文献: H・スルガ 「フレーゲ −意味をめぐって−」ほか


  • ハンス・スルガ  「フレーゲ −意味をめぐって−」、ハンス-ヨハン・グロック編、『分析哲学の生成』、吉田謙二、新茂之、溝口隆一訳、晃洋書房、2003年、53〜55ページ、63〜66ページ。



マジですか!? 事実だとするとすごいが、どの程度までいえるのか、きちんとした裏づけが必要である。そしてFregeの行なう区別: 判断内容と判断すること、これと似たような区別がリッケルトの『認識の対象』に見られるという*2。この『認識の対象』は持っているが、今は手元にないので今日は古書市や古本屋さんに探しに行った。しかし見つからず、代わりに以下の文献を見つける。

しかし私はFregeの判断に関する見解は、意義と意味の区別や論理主義のプログラムに比べマージナルなこととして、そんなに突っ込んで考えてみようとは思わなかったが、スルガさんの主張がどれほど正しいのかは別にしても、もしかするとFregeは結構あれこれ当時の判断論を詳しく勉強した後で、かなり本気で自分の判断論を展開しているのかもしれないな。『概念記法』を見ても割と判断の話はそっけない気がして、こちらも軽くthrough passしていたのだけれど…。

  • Artur Rojszczak  From the Act of Judging to the Sentence: The Problem of Truth Bearers from Bolzano to Tarski, Jan Wolenski ed., Springer, Synthese Library, Vol. 328, 2005

This book offers a detailed study of the truth-bearers problem, that is, the question of which category of items the predicates ‘true’ and ‘false’ are predicated. The book has two dimensions: historical and systematic. Both focus around Tarski’s semantic theory of truth. The author locates Tarski’s ideas in a broad context of Austrian philosophy, in particular, Brentano’s tradition. However, Bolzano and phenomenology (Husserl and Reinach) are also taken into account. The historical perspective is completed by showing how Tarski was rooted in Polish philosophical tradition originated with Twardowski and his version of Brentanism. The historical considerations are the basis for showing how the idea of truth-bearers as acts of judging was transformed into the theory of truth-bearers as sentences. In particular, the author analyses the way to nominalism in Polish philosophy, culminating in Lesniewski, Kotarbinski and Tarski. This book is indispensable for everybody interested in the evolution of Austrian philosophy from descriptive psychology to semantics. It is also a fundamental contribution toward a deeper understanding of the philosophical background of Tarski’s theory of truth.


  • Wayne Martin Theories of Judgment: Psychology, Logic, Phenomenology,  Modern European Philosophy Series, Cambridge University Press, 2006

The exercise of judgment is an aspect of human endeavor from our most mundane acts to our most momentous decisions. In this book Wayne Martin develops a historical survey of theoretical approaches to judgment, focusing on treatments of judgment in psychology, logic, phenomenology, and painting. He traces attempts to develop theories of judgment in British Empiricism, the logical tradition stemming from Kant, nineteenth-century psychologism, recent experimental neuropsychology, and the phenomenological tradition associated with Brentano, Husserl and Heidegger. His reconstruction of vibrant but largely forgotten nineteenth-century debates links Kantian approaches to judgment with twentieth-century phenomenological accounts. He also shows that the psychological, logical and phenomenological dimensions of judgment are not only equally important, but fundamentally interlinked, in any complete understanding of judgment. His book will interest a wide range of readers in history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, and psychology.

これは3章が‘The judgment stroke and the truth predicate: Frege and the logical representation of judgment’と題されているので、ここだけでも何らかの形で入手できればと思うのだが…。


*2:スルガ、64〜66ページ。なおFregeと新カント学派とのつながりを最初に指摘したのは次の文献だそうである。G. Gabriel “Frege als Neukantianer”, Kantstudien, vol. 77, 1986, pp. 84-101. スルガ論文の註(19)による。この論文は残念ながら、また失礼ながらcopyしておきながら廃棄してしまった。また入手し直そう。