メモ: Fate of Kurt Grelling

  • Nicolas Rescher  “The Berlin School of Logical Empiricism and its Legacy,” in: Erkenntnis, vol. 64, no. 3, 2006

上記入手文献 Rescher 論文では、論理実証主義のベルリン学派を構成していた哲学者たちをリスト・アップし、それぞれの人々の活動を概説している。そのうちの一人に7月27日の日記でも触れた K. Grelling がいる。その日の日記で彼が Auschwitz で殺されたことを記したが、もう少しだけ彼の行動の流れが Rescher 論文で描かれているので、以下に書き記しておこう*1

Born in Berlin in 1886, Kurt Grelling studied mathematics with Hilbert and Zermelo in Gottingen and earned a Ph.D. under their direction in 1910. He served as a medic in the German army during WW I. Active in socialist politics he encountered difficulties with an academic career and became a secondary school teacher. He settled in Berlin in 1920 where he became associated with Reichenbach's “Gesellschaft fur empirische (later: wissenschaftliche) Philosophie.” Through Reichenbach's mediation he became associated with Oppenheim, and in the wake of Nazism in Germany Grelling, who was of Jewish antecedence, emigrated to Brussels to work with Oppenheim during 1937-38, replacing Hempel who had moved to the U.S.A. in 1937. When Oppenheim emigrated to the U.S.A., Grelling did not join him despite Oppenheim's repeated urging. Remaining in Belgium, Grelling was expelled to France after the German occupation in 1940. Subsequently, after trying to escape to Spain, Grelling was sent back to Germany in 1942, where he perished in Auschwitz later that year.

Grelling は Hempel と入れ違いになったんですね。一足先に Hempel はアメリカに脱出し、難を逃れたわけだ。後になってスペインに逃げようとしたあたりはベンヤミンを思い起こさせるな。両人とも結局は生きて帰ってこれなかった…。

*1:Rescher, p. 285.