• 谷村省吾  『理工系のための トポロジー圏論微分幾何 − 双対性の視点から −』、SGCライブラリ 52、臨時別冊・数理科学2006年12月、サイエンス社、2006年
  • Jocelyn Benoist, Jean-Yves Girard, Mitsuhiro Okada(岡田光弘), Yoshinori Ogawa(小川芳範)  Towards New Logic and Semantics: Franco-Japanese Collaborative Lectures on Philosophy of Logic, Series of Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind, 慶應義塾大学出版会、2006年


Introduction  Mistuhiro Okada(岡田光弘) and Yoshinori Ogawa(小川芳範)
PartI: Lectures on Reference, Semantics and Intentionality  Jocelyn Benoist
PartII: Lectures on Essentialism and Incompleteness  Jean-Yves Girard
PartIII: Supplementary Lectures

    • Hilbert School and Husserl on the Foundations of Mathematics: Consistency Problem and Evidence Theory  Mistuhiro Okada(岡田光弘)
    • A Linear Logical View of Intuitionistic Logic  Mistuhiro Okada(岡田光弘)
    • Appendix: Arithmetization and Rigorization: Dedekind the Foundations of Analysis  Yoshinori Ogawa(小川芳範)

PS. WittgensteinのTractatusに関する本を版元に本日直接注文。