

The Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University, Sweden から、Uppsala Philosophical Studiesという本のseriesが1962年から出ていて、しかも‘The series is not distributed through the bookstores, but individual volumes can be obtained from the Department’との情報をキャッチする。かなり珍しいと思われる本も入っている。分析系の哲学の論理学寄りの方々には興味深い本もあるようだ。ちょっとほしい気もする…。


  • Michael Durrant  Sortals and the subject-predicate distinction, Ashgate, 2001

This book explores sortals and their relationship to the subject-predicate distinction; arguing that the nature of sortal symbols has been misconstrued in much modern writing in the philosophy of logic by failing to distinguish sortals from names and predicates; contending that this misconstruction has led to a failure to appreciate what makes the subject-predicate distinction possible; demonstrating logical difficulties which then follow; and expounding an account of sortal symbols which seeks to be immune from the difficulties. Exploring and challenging aspects of the work of Frege, Russell, Geach, Quine, Evans and Strawson, amongst others, …
