Russell's Method of Philosophizing


  • Bertrand Russell, “Logical Atomism”, in Robert C. Marsh ed., Logic and Knowledge: 1901-1950, Routledge, first published in 1956, this reprinted edition in 2005. The paper originally published in 1924.

Russellは、KantやHegelの数学に関する哲学的見解が、Non-Euclidean geometry, Weierstrass, Cantor, Fregeたちによって生み出された成果により、誤っていることが判明したと述べる。そして次のように続ける。

As all these results were obtained, not by any heroic method, but by patient detailed reasoning, I began to think it probable that philosophy had erred in adopting heroic remedies for intellectual difficulties, and that solutions were to be found merely by greater care and accuracy.
