• Pawel Przywara  “Husserl's and Carnap's Theories of Space”, in: [2006] GAP.6 Workshop on Rudolf Carnap, Berlin, September, 2006

Usually we do not connect theoretical approaches that of Edmund Husserl and of Rudolf Carnap. The fact of writing by Carnap some of his early works under the strong influence of the founder of phenomenological school is still not well-known.
In the paper, at the beginning I arrange some terminological questions concerning space and then having described shortly Husserlian theory of space (including especially theory of perceiving of space by a subject), I show Carnapian different and changeable attempts to explain problems of structure of space(s) and of structure of our spatial experience(s) (from his dissertation called Der Raum to Der Logische Aufbau der Welt). Then I try to gather all the terminological and methodological similarities between Carnapian and Husserlian approaches. My general thesis is following: Carnapian early works are logistic criticism of Husserlian phenomenology of space.
