なぜlambda calculusは、‘lambda calculus’と呼ばれるのか?

Lambda calculusについては、なぜlambdaなのだろうと疑問に思っていた。

  • J. Barkley Rosser  “Highlights of the History of the Lambda-Calculus”, in: Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 6, no. 4, 1984

Church was struck with certain similarities between his new concept [lambda abstraction] and that used in Whitehead and Russell (1925) [Principia Mathematica] for the class of all χ's such that f(χ); to wit, [the circumflected variable χ precedes ‘f(χ).’]*1 Because the new concept differed quite appreciably from class membership, Church moved the caret from over the χ down to the line just to the left of the χ; specifically, ∧χf(χ). Later, for reasons of typography, an appendage was added to the caret to produce a lambda; the result was λχf(χ)*2.


*1:フランス語で言ういわゆるaccent circonflexe ‘ ^ ’を‘χ’の頭にかぶせて、‘f(χ)’を後置した記号列のこと。ここでは書きようがないので、言い換えた。

*2:Rosser, p. 338.