- Arianna Betti “Polish Axiomatics and Its Truth: On Tarski's Lesniewskian Background and the Ajdukiewicz Connection,” in D. Patterson ed., New Essays on Tarski and Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2008
For most of the remarks contained in Sections 4 [‘A Criterion for the Material Adequacy of the Definition’] and 8 [‘The Inconsistency of Semantically Closed Languages’], I am indebted to the late S. Lesniewski who developed them in his unpublished lectures in the University of Warsaw (in 1919 and later). However, Lesniewski did not anticipate the possibility of a rigorous development of the theory of truth, and still less of a definition of this notion;
これに対し、Arianna Bettiさんは上記の彼女の論文で次のようにおっしゃっている*2。
Leśniewski, as we have seen, had no role in motivating Tarski’s clarification of semantical notions [e.g. the notion of truth] in the axiomatic context. But, then, who or what pushed Tarski in this direction? The question […] has to my mind a brief answer: Ajdukiewicz.
An especially important role was played by Ajdukiewicz’s habilitation dissertation, From the Methodology of Deductive Sciences (1921), in which the analysis of satisfaction, truth, definability and logical consequence in precise terms was presented as important to the needs of axiomatics. […]
The connection between Ajdukiewicz and Tarski has been already mentioned by Tadeusz Batóg (1995), and, with particular reference to axiomatics, by Paolo Mancosu:
It can safely be asserted that the clarification of semantic notions was not seen as a goal for mathematical axiomatics. In 1918, Weyl gestures towards an attempt at clarifying the meaning of ‘true judgement’ but he does so by delegating the problem to philosophy (Fichte, Husserl). An exception here is Ajdukiewicz (1921), who however was only accessible to those who read Polish. Ajdukiewicz stressed the issues related to a correct interpretation of the notions of satisfaction and truth in the axiomatic context. This was to leave a mark on Tarski, who was thoroughly familiar with this text. (Mancosu, Zach, and Badesa 2008, 134)
A number of circumstances support the hypothesis that it was Ajdukiewicz who inspired Tarski. Tarski quotes Ajdukiewicz’s dissertation in his truth monograph (1933, 87 note 78; 1935, 359 note 78; 1956, 237 note 1). On April 4, 1921 Tarski gave a lecture (probably his first public lecture) on Ajdukiewicz’s book, entitled “On the notion of demonstration (in response to the dissertation of K. Ajdukiewicz)” (Jadacki 2003, 115; trans. 143). Tarski wrote that the deduction theorem, published in 1930, was in fact formulated in the 1921 lecture in connection with ideas found in Ajdukiewicz’s book (Tarski 1930b, note to page 24; 1956, note to page 32). In addition to these matters of citation, aspects of Tarski’s thought can be explained by Ajdukiewicz’s influence. In particular, and most importantly, Tarski’s notion of consequence, is, as known, similar to the notion of Ableitbarkeit given by Bolzano (1837). Indeed, the similarity is so striking that the question of what precisely the historical connection between Bolzano and Tarski was has been a favourite Bolzanological theme. The question is answered by turning to Ajdukiewicz 1923, a popular textbook in which he gives a semantical formulation of consequence similar both to Bolzano’s and to Tarski’s (Batóg 1995, 55-6): […]
有名なsatisfactionの概念やconsequenceの概念などが、Ajdukiewiczさんの1921年の小冊子にさかのぼること、これは大変興味深い。このAjdukiewiczさんの小冊子には英訳がある。Studia Logicaの古い号に載っていた。それをcopyして持っているので、また気が向けば読んでみたい。気が向けばですが…。
*1:Alfred Tarski, “The Semantic Conception of Truth and the Foundations of Semantics,” in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 4, no. 3, 1944, p. 371, note 7.
*2:Betti, p. 61.
*4:Betti, pp. 61-62. 彼女が付しておられる註は省いて引用します。また引用文中の‘Tadeusz Batóg (1995)’というような文献情報も、詳細を補足するのは面倒かつ煩雑なので、何も加えずそのまま記しておきます。詳しくは原論文のreferencesをご覧下さい。