- S. Lindström, P. Dybjer, E. Palmgren, G. Sundholm eds. Epistemology versus Ontology: Essays on the Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics in Honour of Per Martin-Löf, Springer, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, vol. 27, Due in July 2012
Part I. Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics
- Mark van Atten ''Kant and Real Numbers''
- Juliet Floyd ''Wittgenstein's Diagonal Argument: A Variation on Cantor and Turing''
- Jan von Plato ''Aristotle’s Deductive Logic: A Proof-Theoretical Study''
- Dag Prawitz ''Truth and Proof: Ontological or Epistemic Concepts?''
- Wilfried Sieg ''In the Shadow of Incompleteness: Hilbert and Gentzen''
- Jan Smith ''Causality, Biological Evolution, and the Rules of Logic''
- Sören Stenlund ''The “Middle Wittgenstein” and Modern Mathematics''
Part II. Foundations
- Steve Awodey ''Type Theory and Homotopy''
- Thierry Coquand and Guilhem Jaber ''A Computational Interpretation of Forcing in Type Theory''
- Peter Dybjer ''Program Testing and Constructive Validity''
- Jean-Yves Girard ''Normativity in Logic''
- Erik Palmgren ''Constructivist and Structuralist Foundations: Bishop’s and Lawvere’s Theories of Sets''
- Aarne Ranta ''Machine Translation and Type Theory''
- Michael Rathjen ''Constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory and Powerset''
- Giovanni Sambin ''Real and Ideal Entities in a Minimalist Constructive Foundation (in progress)''
- William Tait ''Primitive Recursive Arithmetic: Its Role in the Foundations of Mathematics''
- Jouko Väänänen ''Second Order Logic, Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics''