• D. C. McCarty  ''Optics of Thought: Logic and Vision in Müller, Helmholtz, and Frege,'' in: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 41, no. 4, 2000
  • ヘルベルト・シュネーデルバッハ  『ドイツ哲学史 1831-1933』、舟山俊明、朴順南、内藤貴、渡邊福太郎訳、叢書・ウニベルシタス 913, 法政大学出版局、2009年
  • 井田哲雄  『計算モデルの基礎理論』、岩波講座ソフトウェア科学 12, 岩波書店、1991年 (古書)

McCarty 先生の論文は、Frege と同時代の心理学や生理学が Frege の考えに与えた影響について、論じられているようです。次の文章をご覧ください。

For the background to his arguments, Frege relied heavily upon developments in psychology, physiology, and technology familiar to his educated readers, subscribers to the journal Contributions to the Philosophy of German Idealism in which “The thought” was first published. A history of those developments reveals an intellectual symbiosis between logic and physiology. For German intelligentsia of the time, sense impressions were the signs whose denotations, linked to them neither naturally nor conventionally, were the objects of sense—trees or strawberries—and the gap that seems, in Frege’s second argument, to yawn between those perceptual signs and their denotations was taken to coincide with a gap that logic and logical theory have always sought to fill: the space between premises and conclusions, between axioms and theorems. Even a brief rehearsal of that history suffices to refute claims (Kenny [12], pp. 190–94) that, at the close of the “The thought,” Frege was granting philosophical concessions to a skepticism that Wittgenstein was destined later to demolish. For, as we shall see, Frege was undertaking a demolition operation of his own against forms of skeptical idealism allied with the physiological theorizing of his era.*1

シュネーデルバッハ先生の本は、Frege が生きた時代の哲学的背景を学んでおきたくて購入。元々非ドイツ語圏向けに書かれた本で、当時の当地の哲学に関する基本的事項に疎い人々にもわかるように書かれているみたいです。早速いくらか拾い読みしましたが、かなりわかりやすい感じがします。当時の当地の哲学に関する必読の二次文献としての地位を獲得していると、訳者あとがきに書かれていますが、確かにその理由もわかるような気がします。



  • 黒川創  「暗殺者たち」、『新潮』、新潮社、2013年2月号、2013年1月7日発売

*1:McCarty, p. 367.