以下に見られる Woleński 先生の the Lvov-Warsaw School 関連論文集が2年前に出ているのに最近まで気が付かず、知ってからあわてて注文して入手。
- Jan Woleński Historico-Philosophical Essays, vol. 1, Copernicus Center Press, 2012.
The book comprises studies pertaining to the history of the philosophy of logic and mathematics, the Lvov-Warsaw School, epistemology, as well as some key events in the development of the analytic philosophy in the 20th Century.
- Rationalism and Irrationalism: The Case of Poland
- The Rise of Many-Valued Logic in Poland
- Polish Attempts to Modernize Thomism by Logic (Bocheński and Salamucha)
- Carnap’s Metaphilosophy
- Formal Metaphilosophy in Finland
- The History of Epistemology: Introduction
- Polish Logic
- Scholz about Cogito, ergo sum
このうち、何本かは既に拝読させていただいておりました。Note を取り、内容をまとめながら読んだ論文もありました。また勉強させていただきます。
次の本はずいぶん前に現物を手に取ってみたことがあったのですが、ほしいとは思ったものの、買わずにおりましたところ、今年になって paper 版が出ましたので、ぜひほしいと思い購入。
- Ivan Boh Epistemic Logic in the Later Middle Ages, Routledge, Topics in Medieval Philosophy Series, 1993/2014.
- Erich H. Reck ''Logic in the 1930s: Type Theory and Model Theory,'' in: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 19, no. 4, 2013.
- Adi Setia ''Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi on Physics and the Nature of the Physical World: A Preliminary Survey,'' in: Islam & Science, vol. 2, no. 2, 2004.
次は定期購読している journal. 先日我が家に入荷。
- History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 35, no. 2, 2014.
- ''The Ivor Grattan-Guinness Best Paper Award for History and Philosophy of Logic in 2013 to Paul Rusnock for his paper On Bolzano's Concept of a Sum published in History and Philosophy of Logic volume 34, number 2, May 2013, 155-169''
- Neil Tennant ''Aristotle's Syllogistic and Core Logic''
- Miroslav Hanke ''The Bricot-Mair Dispute: Scholastic Prolegomena to Non-Compositional Semantics''
- Saloua Chatti ''Syncategoremata in Arabic Logic, al-Fārābī and Avicenna''
- Iulian D. Toader ''Why Did Weyl Think that Formalism's Victory Against Intuitionism Entails a Defeat of Pure Phenomenology?''