

  • M. J. Cresswell  ''Carnap and McKinsey: Topics in the Pre-History of Possible-Worlds Semantics,'' in Rod Downey, Jörg Brendle, Robert Goldblatt, Byunghan Kim eds., Proceedings of the 12th Asian Logic Conference: Wellington, New Zealand 15-20 December 2011, World Scientific, 2013

Abstract は次の通り。

Carnap's 1946 semantics for S5 modal logic depends on the claim that α is true iff α is L-true, i.e., valid. I investigate some problems with this definition, and then consider the relation between this early attempt, and work in the late 1950s by Kanger, Hintikka and Kripke, which led to the development of the current possible-worlds semantics for modal logic. Finally I look at J.C.C. McKinsey's ‘syntactical’ account of validity for a modal logic between S4 and S5.

この論文に関して調べてみると、YouTube で Cresswell 先生の講義が視聴できるみたいです。演壇でマイクを持って先生がお話しされておられます。題名と URL は次の通り。

''Carnap and McKinsey: Topics in the Pre-history of Possible-worlds semantics by Max Cresswell,'' <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQVTPCGKRh0>.

  • Michael Detlefsen  ''Freedom & Consistency,'' in Rod Downey, Jörg Brendle, Robert Goldblatt, Byunghan Kim eds., Proceedings of the 12th Asian Logic Conference: Wellington, New Zealand 15-20 December 2011, World Scientific, 2013

Abstract は次の通り。

Claims emphasizing the supposed freedom of mathematics (e.g. those by Cantor and Hilbert) are considered. A challenge by Frege to such claims is also analyzed and sustained.

  • V. Michele Abrusci  ''On Hilbert's Axiomatics of Propositional Logic,'' in: Perspectives on Science, vol. 22, no. 1, 2014

Abstract の一部は次の通り。

In this paper I will consider the axioms for propositional logic which were presented by Hilbert in his conferences during the year 1922, and those which were presented by Hilbert and Bernays in the book Grundlagen der Mathematik, I (1934). I will describe a general procedure in order to translate Hilbert's axioms into rules on sequents and I will show that, following this procedure, Hilbert's axioms become particular cases of (derived or primitive) rules of Gentzen's Sequent Calculus […].

  • Wilfried Sieg  ''The Ways of Hilbert's Axiomatics: Structural and Formal, '' in: Perspectives on Science, vol. 22, no. 1, 2014

Abstract の一部は次の通り。

It is a remarkable fact that Hilbert's programmatic papers from the 1920s still shape, almost exclusively, the standard contemporary perspective of his views concerning (the foundations of) mathematics; even his own, quite different work on the foundations of geometry and arithmetic from the late 1890s is often understood from that vantage point. My essay pursues one main goal, namely, to contrast Hilbert's formal axiomatic method from the early 1920s with his existential axiomatic approach from the 1890s. […]


定期購読している journal が先日届いた。

  • History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 35, no. 3, 2014

Contents は次の通り。

  • Pierre Joray  ''The Principle of Contradiction and Ecthesis in Aristotle's Syllogistic''
  • David Botting  ''Do Syllogisms Commit the Petitio Principii? The Role of Inference-Rules in Mill's Logic of Truth''
  • Lukas M. Verburgt  ''John Venn's Hypothetical Infinite Frequentism and Logic''
  • Dirk Greimann  ''Frege on Truth, Assertoric Force and the Essence of Logic''
  • Rafal Urbaniak  ''Słupecki's Generalized Mereology and Its Flaws''

個人的にはこの中で Urbaniak さんの論文が一番気になる。たぶん大抵の人は上記諸論文の中で Urbaniak 論文が一番気にならないと思いますが…。ただし、仕方ないです、Urbaniak 先生。もともと人気のある話題ではないので、先生のせいではないと思います。

その論文の abstract の一部を記しておくと、次の通りです。

One of the streams in the early development of set theory was an attempt to use mereology, a formal theory of parthood, as a foundational tool. The first such attempt is due to a Polish logician, Stanisław Leśniewski (1886–1939). The attempt failed, but there is another, prima facie more promising attempt by Jerzy Słupecki (1904–1987), who employed his generalized mereology to build mereological foundations for type theory. In this paper I (1) situate Leśniewski's attempt in the development of set theory, (2) describe and evaluate Leśniewski's approach, (3) describe Słupecki's strategy without unnecessary technical details, and (4) evaluate it with a rather negative outcome. The issues discussed go beyond merely historical interests due to the current popularity of mereology and because they are related to nominalistic attempts to understand mathematics in general. […]

和書 哲学・社会学・数学関係

一つ目の本で主張されているのは、trope は存在する、ということです。とりわけ、trope は truthmaker として存在するということを、本書では立証しようとされています。特に次のような論証のステップを詳細に説明し遂行することで、この世界に trope があることを示そうとされています。その論証を大まかに言い直して掲げますと、次のような感じです。

   (1) 「このトマトは赤い」というような文が真である場合、この文が真であるのは、世界にその文を真とするようなもの (truthmaker) があるからだ。
   (2) 世界にあって、その文を真とするものとは、事態や事実などではなく、trope であるとするのが最も適切である。
   (3) よって、真である文があるならば、それを真とするものが世界にあり、その真とするものとして trope が最もふさわしいのならば、そのような trope というようなものがあると考えるべきである。


和書 昭和天皇関係など (昭和天皇の回想録と昭和天皇の戦争責任に関する本、および靖国神社関係)



  • 佐々木克巳  「[書評] トルケル・フランセーン (田中一之 訳) : ゲーデルの定理 − 利用と誤用の不完全ガイド」