
  • Randall E. Auxier and Lewis Edwin Hahn ed.  The Philosophy of Michael Dummett, Open Court Publishing, Library of Living Philosophers, vol. 31, 2007

Sir Michael Dummett has, for over half a century, been among the most respected and provocative philosophical voices in the world. His groundbreaking and controversial work in epistemology, ontology, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mathematics, logic, and the philosophy of history and time have come to dominate contemporary discussions of these topics. This comprehensive volume on Dummett’s thought treats all of these subjects in detail, along with his work in the history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, grammar, econometrics, civil rights, tarot cards, and even recreation.
Dummett is the subject of volume 31 in the world-renowned Library of Living Philosophers series. The book will include Dummett’s intellectual autobiography, 27 previously unpublished critical and descriptive essays by famous scholars, a reply to each essay by Dummett, and a complete bibliography of Dummett’s published works. The list of contributors, a stellar cast of international scholars who are famous in their own right, includes the great Hilary Putnam as well as Crispin Wright, a former student of Dummett.

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