
 Peter Geach, who had already indicated the so-called Frege's Theorem and the consistency of Hume's Principle before anyone did.

以下の記述はかなり大まかなメモです。 Frege's Theorem and Hume's Principle: The point of departure for Frege Renaissance 数学の哲学におけるFrege Renaissanceの起爆剤となった数学的業績には二つあると考えられる。それは次の二つ。a) Frege's Theor…

某有名HPよりDL。 Alexander Bird “Kripke”, forthcoming in Christopher Belshaw and Gary Kemp ed., Twelve Modern Philosophers, Blackwell Huw Price “Metaphysics after Carnap: The Ghost Who Walks”, forthcoming in David Chalmers, Ryan Wasserman …

入手文献、Peter Geach, who had already indicated ...
