
  • James Garson  Modal Logic for Philosophers, Not yet published, available from September 2006, Cambridge University Press

Description and contents

Designed for use by philosophy students, this book provides an accessible, yet technically sound treatment of modal logic and its philosophical applications. Every effort has been made to simplify the presentation by using diagrams in place of more complex mathematical apparatus. These and other innovations provide philosophers with easy access to a rich variety of topics in modal logic, including a full coverage of quantified modal logic, non-rigid designators, definite descriptions, and the de-re de-dictio distinction. Discussion of philosophical issues concerning the development of modal logic is woven into the text. The book uses natural deduction systems and also includes a diagram technique that extends the method of truth trees to modal logic. This feature provides a foundation for a novel method for showing completeness, one that is easy to extend to systems that include quantifiers.
• Extensive use of diagrams to simplify the presentation of technical material: natural deduction rules also help make material accessible
• Accessible and useful for philosophers
• New methods for proving technical results are presented which simplify the proofs, especially when quantifiers are introduced

1. The system K
2. Extensions of K
3. Intensional semantics
4. Trees for K
5. The accessibility relation
6. Trees for extensions of K
7. Converting trees to proofs
8. Adequacy of propositional modal logics
9 Completeness using canonical models
10. The general axiom
11. Relations between the modal logics
12. Systems for quantified modal logic
13. Semantics for quantified modal logics
14. Trees for quantified modal logic
15. The adequacy of quantified modal logics
16. Completeness of quantified modal logics using trees
17. Completeness using canonical models
18. Descriptions
19. Lambda abstraction


  • Ernest Lepore and Barry C. Smith ed.  The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language

というのが同じく9月に出るようで、ほしいのだがhardしかなく、高いので断念する。興味深い論題がたくさん並んでいるが、目次を掲げると長くなりすぎるので、詳細はOxford UPのHPへ。