

  • Russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, vol. 27, issue 1, 2007, After “On Denoting”: Themes from Russell and Meinong


  • Ray Perkins, Jr.  “Why “On Denoting”? ”


  • Harm Boukema  “Russell, Meinong and the Origin of the Theory of Descriptions”

According to his own account, Russell was “led to” the Theory of Descriptions by “the desire to avoid Meinong’s unduly populous realm of being”. This “official view” has been subjected to severe criticism. However stimulating this criticism may be, it is too extreme and therefore not critical enough. It fails to fully acknowledge both the way it is itself opposed to Russell and the way Russell and Meinong were opposed to their opponents. In order to avoid these failures, a more “dialectical” kind of analysis will be applied. It leads to unravelling two confusions shared by the official and the unofficial views: the confusion between conception and adoption of the TOD and the confusion between three varieties of Meinongianism. By means of these distinctions both a significant kernel of truth contained in Russell’s account and the underlying motive for his distortion of the historical facts can be laid bare.

このabstractを見て、興味深く本文を読み始めたのだが、section 1 を読み終えたところで、どうも今一つ気分が乗らない。
Intro. 辺りではなかなか参考になるご意見を伺えたのだが、section 1 の内容に入ってから、極めて個人的な印象だが、論証がとても弱く感じられる。一つ一つ個々の主張を論拠や出典を明示しつつsupportしながら話を進めていただければよいのだが、一読した限りでの印象では、あまりそうはなっていないように思われる。そのため天下りにstatementを聞かされているような気分になって何だが腑に落ちない。
この後section 2 以降も読み進めるべきか否か、少し迷うところである。もうちょっと読んでみて、今述べた印象が払拭されないようなら、途中で切り上げようかと思う。
