
 The Intellectual History of Charles Parsons

先日、 Charles Parsons Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century: Selected Essays, Harvard University Press, 2014, という本を購入した。そこで何となく Charles Parsons 先生の経歴を少しだけ振り返ってみようと思い、次の文献をひも解いた…

 Charles Parsons, Frege, Cavaillès, Neo-Fregeanism, Relevant Logic, Paradoxes, and Russell

洋書 Charles Parsons Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century: Selected Essays, Harvard University Press, 2014 Bastian Reichardt und Alexander Samans hrsg. Freges Philosophie nach Frege, Mentis Verlag, 2014 Hourya Benis Sinaceur …