• 横尾壮英  『中世大学都市への旅』、朝日選書453、朝日新聞社、1992年 (古書)



  • Ignacio Angelelli  Excerpt of Studies on Gottlob Frege and traditional philosophy, Reidel, 1967, section 0.4


The aim of my Studies on G. Frege and traditional philosophy (Reidel, 1967) was to compare the contributions and the work of the German mathematician and logician Gottlob Frege (1848- 1925) with the previous history of philosophy, of which Frege, not being a professional philosopher, was not too aware. In my consideration of the history of philosophy I stressed, in section 0.4, the need of looking into the traditional trends of the Neuzeit. Section 0.4 is reproduced here. The bibliographical references are appended to it.

  • Eberhard Knobloch  “Beyond Cartesian limits: Leibniz's passage from algebraic to “transcendental” mathematics”, in: Historia Mathematica, vol. 33, issue 1, 2006

Partial Abstract

This article deals with Leibniz's reception of Descartes' “geometry.” Leibnizian mathematics was based on five fundamental notions: calculus, characteristic, art of invention, method, and freedom. On the basis of methodological considerations Leibniz criticized Descartes' restriction of geometry to objects that could be given in terms of algebraic (i.e., finite) equations: “Descartes's mind was the limit of science.” The failure of algebra to solve equations of higher degree led Leibniz to develop linear algebra, and the failure of algebra to deal with transcendental problems led him to ...

PS. 頭痛で特に何もできないのでnetをのぞいていると、ウィキペディアフレーゲの先生である「エルンスト・アッベ」の項目があり、見てみるとコンパクトにまとめられているようで、アッベの写真が6つ載っている。ふむふむという感じ。