軽く読書: Goedel on Carnap






  • Warren Goldfarb  “On Gödel's way in: the influence of Rudolf Carnap”, in: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 11, issue 2, 2005


A particular facet of Carnap's influence is not widely appreciated: it was Carnap who introduced Kurt Godel to logic, in the serious sense. Although Godel seems to have attended a course of Schlick's on philosophy of mathematics in 1925-26, his second year at the University, he did not at that time pursue logic further, nor did the seminar leave much of a trace on him. In the early summer of 1928, however, Carnap gave two lectures to the Circle which Godel attended, or so I surmise. At these occasions, Carnap presented material from his manuscript treatise, Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik, that is, “Investigations into general axiomatics”, which dealt with questions of consistency, completeness and categoricity. Carnap later circulated this material to various people including Godel.
Godel's serious interest in logic dates from that time. Subsequently he began the systematic reading in logic that brought him to the frontiers of what was then known, as his library request-slips show (Dawson 1997, p. 53).


In 1975, the sociologist Burke Grandjean sent a questionnaire to Godel, in which he asked, “When did you become interested in the problem … of the completeness of logic and mathematics?” and “Are there any influences you would single out as especially important in this regard?” Godel's answers were: “1928”; and “Hilbert Ackermann: Introduction to math Logic, Carnap: Lectures of math Logic” (Godel 2003, p. 447).
Now, Carnap's logical work did not influence Godel in any mathematical or technical way: there is in Carnap's material no mathematical idea that could be exploited for serious results. What Godel learned from Carnap concerned the concepts that needed to be investigated. The peculiarities of the way Carnap framed those concepts motivated Godel concerning both the problems he set himself to investigate and the correct formulation of the concepts.

うむ、Hilbert and Ackermann's Grundzuge der theoretischen LogikでmetalogicalなことがらにGodelは興味を持ったのだろうと何となく思っていたが、Carnapからもなんだ、知らなかった。
二つ上で引用したGoldfarb論文の文章に、Dawson本を参照しているのがわかるので、その本の27ページを読むと、CarnapはVienna Circleのメンバーに、1928-29年の冬学期に、恐らく数学の哲学的基礎に関し、毎週2時間講義をしていて、そこにGodelは出席していたようだ。Circle外でも二人は活発に意見交換していたようである。
また同書の53ページを読むと、確かにGodelは図書館から1928年から1929年初めにかけて本を借りている記録があり、ちょっと驚いたことにFregeのGrundlagenをUniv. of Vienna Libraryから借り出していることがわかる。何だかすごくうれしい。Godelさんも確かにGrundlagen読んでましたか。読んだ感想をぜひ聞きたいな、GodelならGrundlagenについてどんな感想漏らすだろう?

PS. この後はぽつぽつ梅沢先生の記号論理本を読もうかな。しかし今日の日記はちょっとまとまりに欠くな、まっ、いいか。


*2:Goldfarb, pp. 185-86.

*3:Ibid., p. 186.

*4:ちなみに、Godelがcompletenessに関心を持つようになったのは、Dawsonさんによると既にCarnapと話をし出す以前からだとしている。一方GoldfarbさんによるとそれはCarnap(とHilbert and Ackermann)からだとしている。Dawson本、54ページ。今話題にしているGoldfarb論文は、このDawson説を反証しようとする試みのようだ。