
  • Juliette Kennedy ed.  Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays, Cambridge University Press, 2014

出版社の home page では、次のように書かれていました。

In this volume, leading philosophers and mathematicians assess important aspects of Gödel's work on the foundations and philosophy of mathematics.

  • 渕野昌  「''コーエンの強制法'' と強制法」、『数理科学』、no. 616, 2014年10月号

この論考は、「リレー連載 フィールズ賞で語る現代数学 第2回」目に当たるものです。


  • Nik Weaver  Forcing for Mathematicians, World Scientific Publishing, 2014


Ever since Paul Cohen's spectacular use of the forcing concept to prove the independence of the continuum hypothesis from the standard axioms of set theory, forcing has been seen by the general mathematical community as a subject of great intrinsic interest but one that is technically so forbidding that it is only accessible to specialists. In the past decade, a series of remarkable solutions to long-standing problems in C*-algebra using set-theoretic methods, many achieved by the author and his collaborators, have generated new interest in this subject. This is the first book aimed at explaining forcing to general mathematicians. It simultaneously makes the subject broadly accessible by explaining it in a clear, simple manner, and surveys advanced applications of set theory to mainstream topics.




Monk についての印象深い英語の文章を集め、村上さんが和訳し、村上さん自身の文も含めた anthology.


  • 泉邦寿  『フランス語を考える20章 意味の世界』、ふらんす双書、白水社、1978年 (古書)
