Books on Anti-Semite Heidegger by Peter Trawny


  • Peter Trawny  Freedom to Fail: Heidegger's Anarchy, Polity, Due in June, 2015*1

私は Heidegger の専門家ではありませんが、この本はとても興味深く、ぜひ購入したいなと思って、出版社の home page で本書の説明文を読んでみました。しかし読んでみた後で、個人的にはですが、購入する気持ちが減退してしまいました。以下がその説明文です*2

Martin Heidegger is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth-century, and his seminal text Being and Time is considered one of the most significant texts in contemporary philosophy. Yet his name has also been mired in controversy because of his affiliations with the Nazi regime, his failure to criticize its genocidal politics and his subsequent silence about the holocaust.
Now, according to Heidegger's wishes, and to complete the publication of his multi-volume Complete Works, his highly controversial and secret 'Black Notebooks' have been released to the public. These notebooks reveal the extent to which Heidegger's 'personal Nazism' was neither incidental nor opportunistic, but part of his philosophical ethos. So, why would Heidegger, far from destroying them, allow these notebooks, which contain examples of this extreme thinking, to be published?
In this revealing new book, Peter Trawny, editor of Heidegger's complete works in German, confronts these questions and, by way of a compelling study of his theoretical work, shows that Heidegger was committed to a conception of freedom that is only beholden to the judgement of the history of being; that is, that to be free means to be free from the prejudices, norms, or mores of one's time. Whoever thinks the truth of being freely exposes themselves to the danger of epochal errancy. For this reason, Heidegger's decision to publish his notebooks, including their anti-Jewish passages, was an exercise of this anarchical freedom. In the course of a wide-ranging discussion of Heidegger's views on truth, ethics, the truth of being, tragedy and his relationship to other figures such as Nietzsche and Schmitt, Trawny provides a compelling argument for why Heidegger wanted the explosive material in his Black Notebooks to be published, whilst also offering an original and provocative interpretation of Heidegger's work.

存在の真理について自由に考える者は誰でも、前代未聞の誤謬を犯す危険に身をさらすのである。(Whoever thinks the truth of being freely exposes themselves to the danger of epochal errancy.)

そうなんだ、その結果、前代未聞の誤謬に陥った、というわけなのだろうか? 危険を冒す勇気を持っていたが、危険を冒し過ぎて大失敗した、ということなのだろうか? あるいは、もう少し、抑え気味に語れば、radical (根源的) に考えた Heidegger は radical (過激) な考えに至ってしまった、ということだろうか? おもっきり自由に考えすぎて、危険な領域に足を踏み入れてしまった、ということなのだろうか? 誰しも徹底的に自由に考える者は、時代のしっぺ返しを食らう、という感じなのでしょうか? 本書の title も開き直った感じがします…。学校の試験で0点取った後に、先生に問いただされて、「誤謬に陥るほど、ぎりぎりまで危険を冒し、一切のしがらみから身を振りほどきながら自由自在に思索を重ねた結果、das Man である教授殿に少しも加点してもらえず、まったく認められなかったのは遺憾である。誤謬に陥るほど自由に思索する権利が我々にはある! かつてないほど自由自在に考えた結果、誤謬に陥って何が悪い?」とか言ったら、確実に、絶対に、単位を落とすでしょうね。



  • Peter Trawny  Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy, The University of Chicago Press, Due in January, 2016*3

これも興味深いです。出版社の home page から、本書の説明文を引用しておきます*4

In 2014, the first three volumes of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks—the personal and philosophical notebooks that he kept during the war years—were published in Germany. These notebooks provide the first textual evidence of anti-Semitism in Heidegger’s philosophy, not simply in passing remarks, but as incorporated into his philosophical and political thinking itself. In Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy, Peter Trawny, the editor of those notebooks, offers the first evaluation of Heidegger’s philosophical project in light of the Black Notebooks.

While Heidegger’s affiliation with National Socialism is well known, the anti-Semitic dimension of that engagement could not be fully told until now. Trawny traces Heidegger’s development of a grand “narrative” of the history of being, the “being-historical thinking” at the center of Heidegger’s work after Being and Time. Two of the protagonists of this narrative are well known to Heidegger’s readers: the Greeks and the Germans. The world-historical antagonist of this narrative, however, has remained hitherto undisclosed: the Jews, or, more specifically, “world Judaism.” As Trawny shows, world Judaism emerges as a racialized, destructive, and technological threat to the German homeland, indeed, to any homeland whatsoever. Trawny pinpoints recurrent, anti-Semitic themes in the Notebooks, including Heidegger’s adoption of crude cultural stereotypes, his assigning of racial reasons to philosophical decisions (even undermining his Jewish teacher, Edmund Husserl), his endorsement of a Jewish “world conspiracy,” and his first published remarks on the extermination camps and gas chambers (under the troubling aegis of a Jewish “self-annihilation”). Trawny concludes with a thoughtful meditation on how Heidegger’s achievements might still be valued despite these horrifying facets. Unflinching and systematic, this is one of the most important assessments of one of the most important philosophers in our history.


私は Heidegger の専門家ではありませんので、以上の話は私のごく個人的な、ごく私的な感想、印象を述べたものにすぎません。私の話にとらわれず、ご自分で上記の図書を手に取って読んでいただき、その後、自身の判断で Heidegger の哲学を評価していただきますようよろしくお願い致します。間違ったことを書いていたり、誤字や脱字などがあればすみません。気を付けます。

*1:これは次のドイツ語の本の翻訳だと思われます。Peter Trawny, Irrnisfuge: Heideggers An-archie, Matthes & Seitz Berlin, Fröhliche Wissenschaft, 2014.


*3:この本は次の本の翻訳だと思われます。Peter Trawny, Heidegger und der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung, Vittorio Klostermann, Klostermann Rote Reihe, Bd. 68, 2014.
