
 Leon Henkin Was Wearing a Suit to Suit his Clothes to Student's in the Netherlands.

先日、次の本を購入しました。 María Manzano, Ildikó Sain, and Enrique Alonso eds. The Life and Work of Leon Henkin: Essays on His Contributions, Birkhäuser/Springer, Studies in Universal Logic Series, 2014. 本を受け取った後、広場のベンチに…

洋書 María Manzano, Ildikó Sain, and Enrique Alonso eds. The Life and Work of Leon Henkin: Essays on His Contributions, Birkhäuser/Springer, Studies in Universal Logic Series, 2014 Storrs McCall ed. Polish Logic 1920-1939: Papers by Ajduki…