Heidegger's 'Black Notebooks' and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

From the Italian news journal La Stampa, March 18, 2014.



  • Charles Bambach  ''[Review of] Martin Heidegger, Nature, History, State: 1933-1934, Gregory Fried and Richard Polt (trs., eds.), Bloomsbury, 2013,'' in: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, June 2014.

書評対象のこの本については、当日記でも軽く言及したことがありました。Heidegger と Nazism に関する本です。そこで上記書評の冒頭を見ると次のようにありました。註を省いて引用します。

Thanks to the publication and blitzkrieg reception of the Black Notebooks, the work of Heidegger is now once again the focus of a raging public controversy. In newspapers, blogs, magazines, television interviews, and public forums, the question of Heidegger's ties to National Socialism and its vicious anti-Semitic credo has again become a de rigueur topic of discussion. The fallout from this so-called ''crisis'' has rendered Heidegger's works ever more suspect and questionable. Even the renowned president of the Martin HeideggerGesellschaft[sic], Günter Figal, has acknowledged that ''the anti-Semitic comments in the Black Notebooks are disgusting and appalling. They have saddened me.'' In the wake of all this controversy, so many of Heidegger's manuscripts -- especially from the period 1933-1945 -- are now being vetted for their ''political'' implications and racist views. […]

引用文中の the Black Notebooks とは何であるのか、私は知りませんでしたので、調べてみましたら、次の本のことみたいです。

  • Martin Heidegger  Überlegungen II-VI (Schwarze Hefte 1931-1938), Herausgegeben von Peter Trawny, Vittorio Klostermann, Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe 94, 2014
  • Martin Heidegger  Überlegungen VII-XI (Schwarze Hefte 1938/39), Herausgegeben von Peter Trawny, Vittorio Klostermann, Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe 95, 2014
  • Martin Heidegger  Überlegungen XII-XV (Schwarze Hefte 1939-1941), Herausgegeben von Peter Trawny, Vittorio Klostermann, Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe 96, 2014.


  • Paul Hockenos  ''Release of Heidegger's 'Black Notebooks' Reignites Debate Over Nazi Ideology,'' in: The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 24, 2014, http://chronicle.com/article/Release-of-Heidegger-s/144897/.

印象に残った部分を引用してみます。本日引用する文の原文は、どれも比較的短いので、かつそもそも原文に nombre もないことから、引用箇所のページ番号を記すことは致しません。ご了承ください。

For decades, controversy has marred the legacy of Martin Heidegger, whose theories and complicity with the Nazi regime led many to brand him an anti-Semite.

Yet there was never a smoking gun in the late German philosopher's expansive work, an explicit pejorative reference to Jews or Judaism as such. Heidegger admirers and critics battled over certain passages, concepts, and personal anecdotes. But neither side could issue unequivocal evidence to put to rest the long-running feud.

This, however, may change with the publication in March of Heidegger's ''black notebooks,'' a kind of intellectual diary he kept during the 1930s and 40s.

Heidegger's Black Notebooks とは、30-40年代につけていた Heidegger の考察ノートみたいですね。

''In the late 1930s and early 1940s, Heidegger was very angry,'' says [the black notebooks editor] Mr. Trawny. By then, he says, the philosopher realized that both Nazi ideology and his own philosophical mission, which was predicated on a national revolution and Germany's dominance in Europe, were going to fail. ''In this anger, he makes reference to Jews, including some passages that are extremely hostile. We knew that he had expressed anti-Semitism as private insights, but this shows anti-Semitism tied in to his philosophy,'' says Mr. Trawny.

The editor says Heidegger's references to a controlling ''world Jewry'' and to a collusion of ''rootless'' Jews in both international capitalism and communism are essentially the logic that informs the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the infamous, early 20th-century, anti-Semitic forgery that claims to show a Jewish conspiracy for global domination. ''He doesn't say he's read The Protocols,'' says Mr. Trawny, ''but that's not necessary to share a certain kind of anti-Semitism with the Protocols. Nazi propaganda was full of exactly this kind of anti-Semitism.''

20世紀最大の偽書に見られる conspiracy theory に Heidegger は、とらわれていたということでしょうか。本人は読んだとは言っていないようですが、the Protocols of the Elders of Zion*1 に由来する key terms を Heidegger が使っているとすると、かなり危ない気がします。


  • Philip Oltermann  ''Heidegger's 'Black Notebooks' Reveal Antisemitism at Core of his Philosophy: New Publication Shows Highly Influential Philosopher Saw 'World Judaism' as Driver of Dehumanising Modernity,'' in: The Guardian, Thursday 13 March 2014, http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/mar/13/martin-heidegger-black-notebooks-reveal-nazi-ideology-antisemitism.


The most controversial passages of the black notebooks are a series of reflections from the start of the second world war to 1941. While distancing himself from the racial theories pursued by Nazi intellectuals, Heidegger argues that Weltjudentum (''world Judaism'') is one of the main drivers of western modernity, which he viewed critically.

''World Judaism'', Heidegger writes in the notebooks, ''is ungraspable everywhere and doesn't need to get involved in military action while continuing to unfurl its influence, whereas we are left to sacrifice the best blood of the best of our people''.

In another passage, the philosopher writes that the Jewish people, with their ''talent for calculation'', were so vehemently opposed to the Nazi's racial theories because ''they themselves have lived according to the race principle for longest''.

The notion of ''world Judaism'' was propagated in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the notorious forgery purporting to reveal a Jewish plan for world domination. Adolf Hitler stated the conspiracy theory as fact in Mein Kampf, and Heidegger too appears to adopt some of its central tropes.

''Heidegger didn't just pick up these antisemitic ideas, he processed them philosophically – he failed to immunise his thinking from such tendencies,'' the notebooks' editor, Peter Trawny, told the Guardian.

The notebooks also show that for Heidegger, antisemitism overlapped with a strong resentment of American and English culture, all of which he saw as drivers of what he called Machenschaft, variously translated as ''machination'' or ''manipulative domination''.

In one passage, Heidegger argues that like fascism and ''world judaism'', Soviet communism and British parliamentarianism should be seen as part of the imperious dehumanising drive of western modernity: ''The bourgeois-Christian form of English 'bolshevism' is the most dangerous. Without its destruction, the modern era will remain intact.''

In an almost playful dig at English culture, he writes: ''What, other than engineering and metaphysically paving the way for socialism, other than commonplace thinking and tastelessness, has England contributed in terms of 'culture'?''

完全に conspiracy theory と言っていいと思う。以上が本当だとすると、もう終わっているように個人的には感じてしまいます。

あと、Heidegger を擁護している文も読んでみた。

  • Jonathan Rée  ''In Defence of Heidegger,'' in: Prospect, March 12, 2014, http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/art-books/in-defence-of-heidegger/#.U5QtoZqCjDd.

Rée 先生は三つ、反論を記しておられます。これについても所々引用したいところですが、正直に申しまして、個人的には Rée 先生の擁護は、三つとも擁護になっていないと感じましたので、引用をやめさせていただきます。Heidegger を擁護する人も、Rée 先生の擁護はどれも弱すぎる、ひどすぎる、これではだめだ、とお感じになられると思います。特に先生の文の最終段落は、個人的にひどすぎると思います。これでは全然擁護にならない、かえって Heidegger に対する反対派を勢いづけてしまうと思います。

終わりに当たって、冷静さを失わないよう、再び Hockenos さんの文 ''Release of Heidegger's 'Black Notebooks' Reignites Debate Over Nazi Ideology'' から、一部を引用して本日の日記を終えることに致します。The Notebooks がまだ刊行されていない頃、刊行予定の文の一部が流出し、物議を醸していた中で書かれた文です。引用文中の '[the notebooks]' は原文にあるものです。

''The whole discussion is a bit absurd in light of the fact that almost no one has read [the notebooks] yet,'' says Mr. Grosser, of the University of St. Gallen, who said he was looking forward to getting his hands on them. ''A careful and critical rereading of Heidegger is going to be necessary. But this doesn't mean condemning all of his thought or reducing it to a philosophically disguised version of Nazi ideology.''



*1:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion が、どこで誰によって作られ、広まり、internet 時代の今、どうなっているかに関し、日本語で読める比較的詳しい最近の記述は、私の知っているところでは、次の本の第8章に見ることができます。ヴォルフガング・ベンツ、『反ユダヤ主義とは何か 偏見と差別のしぶとさについて』、斉藤寿雄訳、現代書館、2013年。私は専門家ではないので、この本の記述がどれぐらい信頼がおけるものかはわかりません。ただ、割とページを使って the Protocols について説明がなされています。もっと詳しい説明が他の本にあるかどうかは存じておりません。